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Jamf Pro 11.16.0 Beta now available

With Jamf Pro 11.16.0 Beta we’re continuing our Compliance Benchmarks feedback. We’re also releasing the ability to configure the App Installers deployment process, along with new Prestage enrollment and inventory reporting options. How to join the b...  View more

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clean unmanaged device personas

Hello, We're working to put together new device personas (engineering, creative, etc), and all have been going well, except for our "lab" devices. Basically, they want a clean macOS device to use for testing, but it should still be enrolled in Jamf f...  View more

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WiFi settings time based restriction

Hey all. Is there a way to lock access to the WiFi settings on a macbook only during certain time periods combined with when a non-admin user is logged in? We're having issues with our students using their hot spots and want to lock the computers to ...  View more

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HELP: Deleting a computer from Jamf via script

Hi, I appreciate if anyone can share a script that can delete the computer from which the script is executed from the JamfPro (onprem server). It would be great if the script can delete the computer getting the computer ID or computer name and check ...  View more

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HELP: Script for adding computers to STATIC GROUP

Hello, I have a question and a couple of request: 1. If I run a script with API credentials on students' machines, is there a way students can find or check the credentials? 2. I want a working script which will prompt to select a static group and af...  View more

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How to Install Extenstion Not From Chrome Store

Hello all, Newbie here. I've been tasked with installing a mobile config profile and then have to install an extension from I can upload and scope the mobile config with no problem, but I don't ...  View more

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JMUG #32 Mac セキュリティ!

みなさん、Macのセキュリティ対策はどうしてますか?監査対策どうしよう…、何から始めればいいのか…、最新トレンドどうなってるの?などなど、課題を抱えている方も多いと思います。今回はそんな「Macセキュリティ」を存分にお話いただく回です!Macadminのみなさん、是非ご参加ください! 参加に関する詳細情報につきましては、お申し込みいただきました皆さまへ【メールで】ご案内差し上げます。 日時2025年4月16日(水)19:00〜2...  View more

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March Meetup has been Canceled

I wanted to let you know that our meet-up scheduled for March will, unfortunately, be canceled. I apologize for any inconvenience this may cause and appreciate your understanding.Keep an eye out for updates, and please reach out if you have any quest...  View more

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Apple iCloud on company managed Mac's

Hi All, We have company managed Macs with Jamf. We do have sensitive company data on the computers which we do not allow to be transferred out of the company environment. We block the use of external storages. If we allow users to connect their Apple...  View more

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Apple id on company managed Mac's

Hi All, We have an issue with employees who are offboarded. When they return their Mac's, sometimes we find their Apple id's block us from wiping the computer and giving it to the next user. When this happens, we need to find the original invoice, se...  View more

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Resolved! Why won't script continue after bootout command?

I have the following in a script on Jamf Pro. When I deploy the script and it runs this I can see on the test Mac it has "Attempt 1 to bootout com.Daemon" in the log file. However, it fails to continue with the rest of the script. I tried adding || e...  View more

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Resolved! Jamf Protect Analytic - MDM removal

Hi ! Can someone suggest me how to set up a custom analytic to get an alarm if a user (yes, they need to have adminrights sadly) removes the MDM profile? I had some cases in the last weeks where all profiles went missing and i do not want to suspect ...  View more

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Resolved! How do I delete a launch daemon using a script?

I have been working on a policy that will create a temporary admin account. A launch daemon gets installed and launched to handle the account deletion. Once the alotted time has elapsed, I see the account and its home folder get deleted. I see that t...  View more

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VPP apps

Afternoon All Im trying to pull back a license for an app deployed via VPP I have removed the device from scope and update the inventory but it still not showing as been avilable to deploy again. Does ASM need to sync with jamf as well? Thanks Tom  View more

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